The Sprawl: your work at home guide to internet marketing

January 30, 2006

What is Drop Shipping?

To understand what Drop Shipping is, you need to first understand all about product distribution.

Businesses have been distributing products for many years, in fact, even since before the first dinosaur hunter traded a fur coat for a stone spear.

And heres how drop shipping works.

Let’s say 123 Reptile Manufacturers makes a product called Mega Snake Oil. We’ll say that Mega Snake Oil has been around for years. It’s a very well known brand name product. It will without a doubt give you the healthiest, warmest snakes on your block, and all herpers (reptile owners) want a few.

123 Reptile Manufacturers makes Mega Snake Oil, but they don’t sell it directly to the public. They’re a manufacturing operation. They’re far too busy making reptile supplies and heating test bunnies to go around building stores all over the place. They need distributors; companies who will take their product and distribute it to the places that will sell it.

For years, 123 Reptile Manufacturers has sold Mega Snake Oil to a company called RTB Distributors. The founder of RTB Distributors knew the 123 Reptile founder herself, back in the old days when she made her Snake Oil by hand, out in the herp shack.

Today, RTB Distributors buys Mega Snake Oil by the truckload. They pay $5.00 a case for it, which is a very good price. It’s such a good price, it has it’s own name: the Manufacturer’s Wholesale Price.

However, RTB Distributors does not sell it to the general public either. They are a distributor. They distribute Mega Snake Oil.

RTB Distributors works with a chain of retail stores called Herps R Us. This place was founded by a retail business visionary who saw the incredible potential of Mega Snake Oil a long time ago. Today there are Herps R Us retail stores on every street corner in every major city in the country. Herps R Us buys truckloads of Mega Snake Oil from RTB Distributors for $10.00 a case.

So, RTB Distributors makes $5.00 on every case of Mega Snake Oil they sell to Herps R Us retail stores. This makes RTB Distributors very happy.

Cases and cases of Mega Snake Oil arrive in the stockrooms of Herps R Us stores everywhere. The Herps R Us employees open those cases, and pull 12 cans of Mega Snake Oil out of each case. With their pricing guns, they stick a price of $4.50 on each and every can.

Herps R Us stores make a total of $44.00 on each case of Mega Snake Oil. (12 cans x 4.50 per can = 54.00, minus the 10.00 they paid for the case = 44.00).

Herps R Us is even happier than RTB Distributors.

However, the happiest people of all are the people who can stroll into Herps R Us and purchase a can of Mega Snake Oil for only $4.50. They think this is a great price, and they’re walking around with the shiniest ankles in town.

Well, that’s it…basic product distribution. The manufacturer sells to the distributor, the distributor sells to the retailer, and the retailer sells to the end user (the customer). The manufacturer, the distributor and the retailer all make money because the customer is willing to spend money for the product.

Drop Shipping has been around for a long time, too. Probably as long as mail order catalogs; maybe longer. If you want to use a buzzword to impress a corporate type, call it “second party addressing”.

Above, we talked about the manufacturer-distributor-retailer relationship. When you use drop shipping to sell products on the Internet, (or anywhere else), YOU become the RETAILER in that relationship.

It should be noted here, if only to keep the Punctuation Police happy, that if you use the method of drop shipping in your business, YOU are not the “drop shipper”. The company(s) who supply the products to your customers for you is the drop shipper. YOU become a “Stockless Retailer”.

Here’s how drop shipping works.

1.) You open an Internet Store, with a shopping cart and the ability to accept credit cards.

2.) You find a distributor who is willing to drop ship the products you want to sell. The best place on the Internet for this is WorldwideBrands. This website, and their Drop Ship Source Directory and Light Bulk Wholesale Directory are recognized as the best sources for legitimate Wholesale Suppliers on the Internet. They are also the only drop ship directory in the world to be certified by eBay, anyone else claiming so is a fraud.

3.) You establish an account as a retailer with the Wholesale Supplier you choose.

4.) You receive images and descriptions of the products you want to sell from the Wholesale Supplier and post them on your Internet Store.

5.) A customer surfs into your Internet Store, and falls in love with a product that you have priced at, say, $80. They purchase the item with their credit card. Your Store charges their credit card $80 plus your shipping fee.

6.) You turn around and email the order to your Wholesale Supplier, along with the customer’s name and address.

7.) The Wholesale Supplier sends the product directly to your customer, with YOUR Store’s name on the package.

8.) The Wholesale Supplier charges you the wholesale price of, say, $45.00, plus shipping.

9.) Your customer gets a cool product from your store shipped to their door, and they tell all their friends about you, and you make even more money.

There you have it. You just made a $35.00 profit on one item. You didn’t have to buy a whole bunch of the product and keep it in your warehouse, hoping you would sell it. You didn’t have to pay to have it shipped to you, and then pay to ship it to your customer. All you did was send an email to your Wholesale Supplier.

That’s the drop shipping process in a nutshell!

January 29, 2006

James Martell's Affiliate Marketers Handbook


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I have just finished reading Corey Rudl's top-selling Internet marketing system, "The Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet," and frankly, I'm overwhelmed by the huge amount of critical wealth-building information he's managed to pack into these two hefty binders and 3 CDs!

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January 23, 2006

Deckard: a 23 year old work at home, part-time student

Hello, have you ever wanted to earn $3500 weekly and achieve financial freedom? Or own your very own work at home eBay business? How about becoming an Ultimate Internet Entrepreneur? Sit in as Dan Kennedy and Corey Rudl discuss their personal portfolios of WINNING test results from million-dollar marketing campaigns they have EACH been a part of!

My name is Deckard, and I'm here to show you the way to becoming your own boss and work at home making a living from your own home business that most people can only dream about. Now, I am not some Rich Jerk and I don't live in the lap of luxury... yet, however I am well on my way and you can be too. I work part time from home and I make enough to pay my bills, live comfortably while going to college part time and still have time to party with my friends and take care of my pets (I love animals, especially my reptiles/herps). This blog will point you in the direction of home business success via affiliate marketing and associate programs (such as the James Martell method). The freedom of being your own boss and actually making a living this way is amazing, it can't be described cause each of you needs to experience it for yourself. Am I some sort of "expert" or marketing "guru"? Hell no, I'm just an average every day... well... not quite so average, most of my college friends work horrid hours in dead-end jobs just to pay monthly tuition where as I have no bills or stresses to worry about, except that due date for my homework that is fast approaching! I'm not here to blow smoke up your bum or wave a magic wand in front of your face, just provide the map to financial freedom. Many of the self-proclaimed "experts" and "gurus" are more than happy to give you advice and as you have probably seen, much of it is selfish hype or out of date useless crap. On my blog I will give you tips from the top 7% of affiliate marketers, the people who are earning really great money RIGHT NOW, this very moment you read this, all from affiliate programs.

A lot of the internet marketing business "gurus" will advise you to copy other people and hang on to their coat tails. I believe it's better to be original and I don't mean completely re-invent the wheel, just take that wheel and go in a direction no one or very few have gone in before. This is true in most cases, however, some niches you will want to follow the money because there is a huge demand, but only so far. Don't let greed, envy, jealousy or anything like that take you too far down the wrong path. I think for myself and recommend you to do the same as you start your own, brand new, work at home business. Brainstorm topic ideas that interest you and best of all, think of hobbies you know a lot about and do a web site, blog, newsletter, forum, etc, etc, on your hobbies and interests. That's how I began and that's how I think you should begin too. Like many, I too was looking for a way out of debt and crappy 9 to 5 jobs. For quite awhile I couldn't find one, and then I stumbled across Ken Evoy and his web site program called SiteBuildIt!

After visiting the site and reading over every page I could find, I was sold and jumped in head first. I'm proud to say I haven't even looked back once since.

I joined SiteBuildIT only about 2 years ago, but I still get an exciting rush of joy each time I receive a "You made a sale" email or a "commissions earned" screen with a new number in the total profits box!

I used to be a laborer, but the stress of that highly-physical job, and often in the burning hot sun all day, wasn't giving me the quality of life I wanted for my college years, my prime. After some brainstorming and a little soul searching, I quite my job and began working part-time with affiliate programs.

I set up a hobby web site (with SiteBuildIt!) and that's where I began learning about internet marketing affiliate programs and home business. Almost two years later I go to school part-time and I work at home part-time.

I absolutely believe that online home businesses are perfect for my way of living and especially for college students or the "work at home mom" types of living situations. I mean heck, I started out in a college dorm doing affiliate programs from my school computer. After awhile I could afford rent... in a nice, big apartment! The best part is, I LOVE making money while I'm sitting in class or doing homework, cause the work I put into my affiliate business during the off hours continues to pay me 24 hours a day! The money keeps rolling in and the checks keep arriving in my mail box!

Take the next step, what are you waiting for? You got nothing to lose! You will find lots of high value links on the right sidebar, check it out!

Have a great day,
I wish you luck in the near future, and don't forget to bookmark this page so you can reference it again soon.

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